AG at Boomerang SLC event banner

AG at Boomerang SLC


Standard ticket

($25.00 + $4.55 taxes & fees)


About this event

instagram @breakingbread_production

Bring your friends and get ready for the best subs in SLC!

Bring out AG a heavy hitter who is climbing the ladder and soon to be a headliner!

Dope music, good drinks, and a sweet crowd!

We are bringing in a heavy hitting sound system so be ready for the best bass this month!

Music Starts at 9:00pm-1:00am



Sound Elixir



Breaking Bread Production

At Breaking Bread, we believe in the power of unity through music, creativity, and shared experience. “Breaking bread” is a universal symbol of connection—whether it's sharing a meal or a moment, it's about coming together, exchanging stories, and building something meaningful together! As a company, we stand for collaboration across all facets of live music production: from the artists who pour their hearts into their performances, to the creators who bring each show to life, and the fans who amplify the energy with their presence. Every concert we throw is a celebration of the collective—the artists, the builders, and most important the community—where we are all essential to the experience. We are committed to curating unforgettable experiences that feel personal, inclusive, and powerful. Breaking Bread is more than a company; it's a space for connection, where everyone at the table, whether on stage, behind the scenes, or in the crowd, is part of the journey.

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