Panasci Technology Entrepreneurship Competition event banner

Panasci Technology Entrepreneurship Competition

All ages

Student Ticket

For UB Students


115 tickets available

General Admission Ticket

For Our Staff, Faculty, and Community Partners


151 tickets available

Admitted Students Ticket - In Person

Have you been admitted to UB for the 2025-26 academic year? This ticket is for you! We’re excited to welcome you to this event—and to campus this fall as a UB Bull!


142 tickets available

Admitted Student Ticket - Virtual

Have you been admitted to UB for the 2025-26 academic year but can’t attend the live event? No problem! Join us virtually—we’re excited to connect with you and welcome you to campus this fall as a UB Bull!


244 tickets available

About this event

The Panasci Technology Entrepreneurship Competition (Panasci TEC) was created by the UB School of Management and the UB Office of Business and Entrepreneur Partnerships, and is funded with a $1 million endowment from the late Henry A. Panasci Jr. to facilitate and promote the commercialization of UB-generated technologies.

Hosted by UB’s Startup and Innovation Collaboratory powered by Blackstone LaunchPad, the event brings together UB students from all academic disciplines to maximize their potential and create viable businesses in Western New York.

Five finalist teams give live pitch-style presentations in April each year, competing for a top prize of $25,000 in startup capital and in-kind services valued at up to $40,000. A $10,000 prize is given to the second-place team. Who will be the winner of the 25th annual Panasci TEC competition?


Wheelchair Accessible


University at Buffalo Startup and Innovation Collaboratory

Logo of the promoter

The University at Buffalo Startup and Innovation Collaboratory is a campus-based entrepreneurship and innovation center that empowers students to realize solutions for the global and local challenges of our time. Part startup incubator, and part idea-sharing center, it connects students to mentors, events, funding and experiences that cultivate the skills and mindset to build successful companies or innovate competitively in careers within any organization.

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