UNITY - Spokane event banner

UNITY - Spokane


Standard ticket

($15.00 + $2.84 fees)


About this event

Dancefestopia: UNITY brings the enchantment of Emerald City to your town and features emerging talent from previous year's YBR tour

The winners of each Yellow Brick Tour stop are given the opportunity to showcase their talent at Dancefestopia 2025!

CRAFT VENDORS interested in join us on a tour stop, or several, email: noble@connectorpresents.com


Something magical awaits in the heart of Kansas. September 1-7, 2025 The Emerald City comes alive and we find ourselves in a world of enchantment, wonder, and bass. Dancefestopia is a home of happiness, love, and celebration - an escape from life's pain, stresses, and uncertainties. We carve out our own beautiful space on Earth and dance with our tribe. This is Dancefestopia.

Dancefestopia started in 2011 and has grown into a premier electronic dance festival. Dancefestopia is 100% independently operated and funded -- one of a only a handful of such a type of event left in America.

Thank you for your support!

See you in the Emerald City! #DFT2025

Visit our website for the latest information on tickets, lineup, announcements, and more.

Website: https://www.dancefestopia.com/

Follow Dancefestopia Music Festival:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Dancefestopia/​

Twitter: https://twitter.com/Dancefestopia​

Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/dancefestopia/


Connector Presents

We cultivate meaningful relationships through live music events

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